Top Cairn — In Memory of Jim Johnson |
Back in 2010 my friend Jim Johnson got me involved with the AMC Adopt-A-Trail program. I did the basic and alpine maintenance training. Since then, my section of the AT is the Osgood Trail — Top of Mount Madison.
I also started a two year project to fix up the White Dot Trail on Mount Monadnock near my home. The top most cairn was knocked down over and over...so I decided to make it "child proof" and look nice.
In the Spring, I gathered and sorted the rocks. In the Summer, I cleaned out the water bars and drainage in the lower areas. In the Fall I built the cairn (after blueberry season).
With a little help from my friends and a lot of Moxie it was finished in November 2012.
I learned a lot on this project and was asked many questions:
"What are you doing?"
"Is that the Madison Hut?"
"Did you carry all those rocks up here?"
Mount Monadnock has over 100,000 hikers per year and most of them use this trail. This is the first cairn people see on the way back down to the State Park Headquarters.
It should be more than a pile of rocks, if should look like somebody cares.
From the trail — Larry "Lost" Davis